1st Saturdays defines the 1st Saturday of each month as the official monthly volunteer day at schools. We also call 1st Saturdays the “do now” strategy to advance a school and its surrounding community towards Familyhood because once a school has the 1st Saturdays days “saved” on their school calendar, the school can now invite students, parents, community partners, alumni and local businesses to get involved in the improvement of the school and its surrounding community.
Why is 1stSaturdays a “do now” strategy towards building Familyhood at a school?
While, MLK Day of Service projects have been known to accomplish great task in one day, 1st Saturdays seeks to expand the MLK Day of Service Projects each month (on 1st Saturdays) with the goal of recruiting additional students, parents, alumni, community partners each month to participate.
In short, #Familyhood is the collaboration of a school’s three main school -based organizations: Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association and Alumni Association along with Friends of The School (local businesses/partners).
We realize #Familyhood is not an overnight solution. Since, #Familyhood is based on increasing governance from within our schools – the collaboration of (S.G.A +PTA + ALUMNI), the direct benefits will take some time to realize from within a neighborhood.
Basically, we asked them to read this to understand #Familyhood and if they agreed to sign below:
You can also download it here.
Read it thoroughly and if you agree,
sign it and we will add you and your organization to our list of supporters!
#1stSaturdays is the “do now” strategy of advancing a community towards #Familyhood.
#1stSaturdays promotes these three main school based (#Familyhood) organizations to collaborate in managing/operating the schools garden, farmers market and grocery store.
#1stSaturdays gives space to the schools three main organizations by enabling booth space for their organizations to outreach as well as time during the volunteer effort to share up- dates/announcements in the spirit of recruiting additional members to join their organizations.
1stSaturdays.com is a project of The Familyhood Connection Inc, a 501 (C-3) non-profit corporation in the State of California. Our Mission is to promote programs that bring the generations together to improve communities.
Sponsorship Opportunities are Available
We are seeking sponsors to support 1stSaturdays!
Your company/organization’s logo/name will added to this site and other marketing as noted: click here for our sponsorship overview page.
If you represent a school, sign your school up to kick off 1st Saturdays on November 3rd 2024.
If you would like to Volunteer, we recommend receiving your CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS from Oakland Educational Fund (they handle the volunteering process in Oakland schools).
Where Do We Go From Here?
Follow Hotep…Our Vision…Our Strategy!