#Familyhood is a community development strategy that defines schools as the center for community development.
#Familyhood is driven by two main motto’s:
1) Friends of School- which states, “every school shall have functioning Student Government Associations, Parent Teacher Associations and Alumni Association. The collaboration of these three main school based membership organizations represents the schools #Famiyhood.
2) Mo’ Better Food – which states, “every school shall have a garden, a farmers market and a grocery store. These school based food related enterprises give students direct access to healthier foods and hands on business training. Typically, a school will start with building their garden. Grow in membership to start their farmers market. Grow in membership to eventually start their own grocery store.
#Familyhood expands the imagine of a school ( a building structure) to represent all the people currently connected to a school (i.e. students, parents, teachers, administrators) with people who have been connected to the school in the past (i.e. alumni, community partners).
(the image below represents the intelligence of Alumni+Students+Teachers+Community Partners in collaboration)
This expansion means the school is engaged in the development of its surrounding community not just until it residents reach 18 years old, but continues to provide technical assistance, training , continued education until the resident is 100 (or more!).
#Familyhood seeks to empower the Alumni at the schools to create a local organization young people can look up to that reinforces them to become Alumni and to empower the community they were raised in.
The above image, illustrates “The Thread of Leadership” that ties together schools in a community.
In short, the role of each Student Government Association is expanded to mentor the grade levels below them.
Therefore, college Student Government Associations, mentor high schools Student Government Associations, high school SGA’s mentor middle school SGA and so on.
© 1stsaturdays February 22, 2025